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AFM HELDERBERG PUBLIC SERVICE BOOKLET 3 20200326 Insluitend April 2020 se Gemeente Omsendblad

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Because He lives, we can face tomorrow.

Please read about the AGM Church and our assembly steps to contribute to protecting South Africans and the world.

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In this booklet we first discuss the lockdown and how we as assembly can deal with it. Thereafter we publish the latest communication of our the AFM of SA National Secretary on the Covid-19 Lockdown.

Even in Social Distancing, we Pray and "Stay" together spiritually. May God bless you.

The next 21 days holds a special blessing for all of God's children. Pray, meditate on His word and share what his Holy Spirit reveals to you.
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We will still make more announcements on steps to assist. In the meantime we are adapting as follows:
  1. Please wash and sanitise your hands regularly;
  2. Church services (other than on-line) will be suspended;
  3. Bible study will be presented online (see the advert re John) It has 21 chapters and we will be studying a chapter per day.
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    Booklet compiled by the AFM of SA
    Helderberg Assembly

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  • Familie loop deur poorte na die kruis op Helderberg Family walking through gates and to cross on Helderberg
  • welkom by AGS HELDERBERG AFM welcomes you

  • LIG ------- LIGHT


  • LEWE ------- LIFE

  • Familie loop deur poorte na die kruis op Helderberg Family walking through gates and to cross on Helderberg
Familie loop deur poorte na die kruis op Helderberg Family walking through gates and to cross on Helderberg




Tuisblad | Home Page

Pastoor Kobus en Debbi Massyn en gesin verwelkom u graag by ons. Ons het twee hoof dienste op 'n Sondag. Die hoof diens in Engels begin Sondagoggende om 08:30 en in Afrikaans om 10:00. U kinders is welkom om dan ook ons Kinderbediening by te woon.

Hier kan u ons lidmaatskap vorm aflaai indien u wil aansluit of reeds as lidmaat aanvaar is.
U is baie welkom: LIDMAATSKAP VORM

Ons Gemeente in 'n neutedop:
Gemeentelede werk lekker saam as dienaars in aanbidding om die gemeente en gemeenskap te bedien. Ons nooi graag mense om betrokke te raak by ons gemeente poorte.
Die Poorte is verskillende groepe waar u u talente kan inspan om God en u medemens te dien:
Mannepoort; Vrouepoort; Seniors (Goue Swaeltjies); Jeug; Kinderbediening; Versorgingspoort; Gebedspoort; Dienste; Sending & Evangelisasiepoort; Groeipoort; Fokuspoort; Pinkster Park Poort.

Pastor Kobus and Debbi Massyn and their family are glad to welcome you by us. We have two main services on a Sunday. The main service in English is at 08:30 and the Afrikaans one at 10:00. Children are welcome to attend our Children's Ministry.

Here you can download our membership form if you would like to become a member of the assembly or if you are already a member and would like to update your particulars.
You are very welcome: MEMBERSHIP FORM

Our Congregation in a nutshell:
Assembly members enjoy functioning together as servants in worship to serve the community. We like to invite people to get involved with our assembly portals.
The portals are gates figurative gates through which one enters by employing ones talents to serve God and mankind:
There are portals for Men; Women; Seniors (Golden Swallows); Youth; Children's Ministry; Care; Prayer; Services; Mission & Evangelism; Growth; Focus; Pentecostal Park

Coffee & Tea

Sundays between about 09:30 and 10:00 (depending on the length of the English service) Coffee in the Kettle behind the main auditorium. Please join us for a lovely cup of coffee, fellowship and more.

Koffie & Tea |

Sondae tussen ongeveer 11:30 en 12:30 (afhangende van hoe die Afrikaanse diens verloop) Koffie in Die Ketel agter die hoof kerkgebou
Sluit gerus by ons aan vir heerlike Koffie, geselskap en nog baie meer.

Kenteken van die AGS van SA | Logo of the AFM of SA

AGS Helderberg is ‘n gemeente wat streef na meer van die Heilige Gees, ons mense is lief vir mekaar en kuier graag saam. Die gemeente is op 'n park gevestig en dit maak dit 'n veilige plek van aanbidding vir die hele gesin. Elke bediening in ons gemeente skakel in by wat ons noem “poorte”. Hierdie poorte het elkeen 'n bestaansreg om God te verheerlik deur Jesus en om mense te laat groei in hul eie bediening.

In 2019 gaan ons voort met die tema van dissipelskap.
Om dissipel te wees...
Dis ‘n pel leer...
Ons wil graag met hierdie tema vir onsself ‘n doelwit stel om ons gemeente meer effektief in ons gemeenskap te laat funksioneer.

AFM Helderberg is an assembly that strives for more of the Holy Spirit. Our people love one another and enjoy fellowship and visiting. The assembly is situated on a park and that makes it a safe place of worship for the whole family. Every ministry in our assembly is involved in the assembly through what we call “gates” or “portals”. These gates each have a right of existence to glorify God through Jesus and to let people grow in their own ministry.

In 2019 we are continuing with the theme of discipleship
To be a disciple…
To discipline
With this theme we would like to set a goal for ourselves to let our congregation function more effectively in our community.

Meer oor ons poorte:
Identiteits poorte (Manne, Vroue, Seniors, Jeug en Kinders) is die bedienings wat spesifiek op die identiteit van die persoon ingestel is.
Poorte wat ons bestaansreg gee om onsself ‘n kerk te kan noem of altans ons DNA kan beskryf is Gebed, Groei, Woord, Pinkster Park.
Dan het ons poorte wat ons hande en voete beskryf. Dit is Versorging, Uitreik, Fokus. Laasgenoemde sluit in areas soos byvoorbeeld Selgroepe, kampe, midweek byeenkomste, ens. Hierdie poorte is ons lepels vol liefde mense, met baie geleenthede en projekte om te help waar nodig:

More about our gates:
Identity gates (Men, Women, Seniors, Youth and Children are the ministries specifically focussed on the identity of the person.
Ministry gates that give us a right of existence as a church or that describe our DNA are Prayer, Growth, Word, Pentacostal Park.
Then we have gates that describe our hands and feet. These are the gates of Care, Outreach and Focus. The latter includes areas such as, for example, Cell Groups, Camping, midweek gatherings etc. These gates are our way of showing much love for people with many projects and opportunities to help where help is required:

Kliek asseblief op die puntprente hieronder om meer oor elke poort te lees.
Please click on the icons below to read more about each gate.

Identiteitspoort: Manne

Statistieke het bewys dat 80% van gesinne sal by ‘n gemeente inskakel waar die pa betrokke is. Daarom roep ons ons manne om deel te word van hierdie poort.

Tans bou ons die mannepoort en u word uitgenooi om by ons te kuier en voorstelle te gee vir manne aktiwiteite.

Hengel, kamp, Mighty Men ens....wat stel u voor?

AGS Helderberg is ‘n gemeente wat streef na meer van die Heilige Gees, ons mense is lief vir mekaar en kuier graag saam. Elke bediening in ons gemeente skakel in by wat ons noem “poorte”. Hierdie poorte het elkeen ‘n bestaansreg om Jesus te verheerlik en om mense te laat groei in hul eie bediening.

Identiteitspoort: Vroue

Tans bou ons ook die vrouepoort en u word uitgenooi om by ons te kuier en voorstelle te maak oor hoe ons u en die gemeenskap in hiertoe poort beter kan dien

Maak gerus vriendinne met die vrouwe in die gemeente.

Ander Identiteits Poorte

Die vrouepoort is deel van die Identiteits poorte. Ander Identiteitspoorte is Manne, Seniors, Jeug en Kinders.

Identiteitspoort: Seniors (Goue Swaeltjies)
Seniors: Ons hou baie van ons pensionarisse en hou hulle besig genoeg sodat hulle uit die moeilikheid bly😜

Ons noem hulle die Goue Swaeltjies. Maar hulle vorm een van die kern dele van AGS Helderberg.

Ons Seniors Poort is deel van die Identiteits poorte. Ander poorte wat resorteer onder die identiteitspoorte is Vroue, Manne, Jeug en Kinders.

Die seniors geniet hulle aktiwiteite. Hulle kom gereeld bymekaar en is bedrywig in die Ketel, ons gemeente se eet en drink en lekker saamkuierplek.
Identiteitspoort: Jeug

Onder leiding van Patrick

Ons jeug word bedien en geleer onder verskeie. So het hulle vir 'n geruime tyd gefunksioneer onder "JAM (Jesus And Me). Tans is die tema "Stained"

Jongmense het altyd ‘n behoefte aan sosiale byeenkomste, daarom is hier ‘n geleentheid waar verskillende skole op ‘n nuwe platform mekaar kan leer ken.

Ons is ook geseënd om Past Gregory by ons te hê. Hy is die voorsitter van die Wes-Kaap se Jeug departement.

Identiteitspoort: Kinders

Hier is ons grootste bekerings belewenis waar kinders met interaktiewe geleenthede regte egte ontmoetings met Jesus kan kry. Ons weet dat kinders ‘n besonderse plek het in die gemeente en moedig dit aan waar kinders saam met hul ouers kan aanbid.

Poort leidster: Liesel

Ons bied soms gesinsdienste aan. Temas van vorige gesinsdienste was byvoorbeeld: Ons is die lig vir die wêreld en die sout van die aarde

Span: Liesel, Werner, Louise, Debbi, Renske, Johanita, Maritza, Agnesia, Charlene, Theresa, Ettienne en Karen

DNA Poort: Gebed

Die gesegte "Gebed verander sake" is bygeleentheid verander om te lees "Gebed verander die bidder!".

Dit is belangrik en deel van geestelike groei dat elke kind van God sal bid. Christene op hulle knieë sien verder as ander wat regop staan maar nie naby God is nie. Nader tot God en hy sal tot u nader. As u graag deel van die gemeente se prayer warriors wil wees, is die gebedspoort die poort waar u betrokke kan raak.

Susan Swanepoel neem hier die leiding. Sy kan gekontak word op 0824526795.

Die Gebedspoort is een van die poorte wat ons bestaansreg gee om onsself ‘n kerk te kan noem of altans ons DNA kan beskryf. Gebed is om met God te praat.

DNA poort: Woord
God se woord is die waarheid, ons lig en lamp, die brood van die lewe en dit verhoed dat ons ten gronde gaan.

'n gemeente groei in getal deur Nuwe intrekkers en bekeerlinge. Erkende Elemente van Geestelike Groei is egter:
1 BYBELSTUDIE (Vertikale - verhouding met God)
2 GEBED (Vertikale - verhouding met God)
3 FELLOWSHIP Meng met ander Christene (Horisontale verhoudinge)
4 GETUIG (Horisontale verhoudinge)
5 KERKBYWONING (Vertikal en horisontal)

Die Woord van God word toegepas in ons lewens en ons bestudeer dit daagliks waar ons is asookk tydens dienste en ander byeenkomste.
Arukah Bible Academy
School Of Biblical Councelling

Arukah is a Hebrew word meaning "restoring to soundness; wholeness; health made up, perfected"
Arukah Bible Academy studies the Bible regularly at the AFM Helderberg assembly. It is located on Pentecostal Park (Pinkster Park) near Sir Lowry's Pass village.
Arukah is deel van ons Bybelstudiepoort en bedien die gene in die Helderberg omgewing wat graag hulle self in God se woord wil verdiep. Bybelstudie is deel van geestelike groei.
Entrants for the new course is now awaited.
Subjects covered in the four year course in either Counceling or Theology are:

Year One-Certificate

Intro to Christian Living
Shattering Shame
Tabernacle Prayer
Intro to Christian Counceling.

Year Two-towards dip.

Old Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
Spiritual Warfare
Learning to Hear God's Voice.

Year Three-Diploma

Enemies of the heart
Biblical Counceling
Audio and Book
Life Counceling
Life Management
Ministering Deliverance
Building a House of Prayer

Year four-Degree

Life Management 2 and 3
Audio and Book
Advanced Counceling
Deliverance Counceling
Family Councelling
Deliverance Ministry
Interpreting the Scriptures

CLASS ATTENDANCE: Every student who enrolls for this course is in commitment to the training program of preparation to become a disciple to train others to become disciples.

A minimum of 90% is expected from students/

Lecturers will commence promptly at the scheduled times by which students must be seated and ready for each lesson.

All fees are to be paid by 30 October 2018
All tests and given assignments must be completed and passed
90% attendance of lectures
Pass rates:
50% to pass
65% to pass with honour
80% to pass with distinction

This ceremony will take place early in February 2019
The final date will still be determined.

ARUKAH BIBLE ACADEMY Pinkster Park, Mondeor Road, Somerset West Contact: Past Isolde de Jager 0824315062 Past Kobus Massyn 0833535679

TRAINING LEADERS Our aim is to train every believer to be equipped to fulfil the purpose he/she was created for by our Heavenly Father to do on earth.

THE GREAT COMMISSION to all believers:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…”(MATT 28:19)
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”(2 Tim.2:15)

Arukah Bible Academy provides training from Certificate to University level
First year - Certificate
Second & third years – Diploma
Fourth year – Bmin. Counselling or BMin. Theology

REGISTRATION for next year

CERTIFICATE: Registration Fee of R1500.00 (payable at registration or as per arrangement; plus 9 Monthly payments of R300.00 each; to be paid not later than the 15th of each month, from 1 February to October

DIPLOMA: (Per Year for 2 Years) Registration Fee of R1800.00 (payable at registration or as per arrangement; plus 9 Monthly payments of R300.00 each; to be paid not later that the 15th of each month, from 1 February to 1 October. The above includes study material, certificates or diplomas plus costs of Graduation Ceremony.

Arukah Bible Academy is in affiliation with Amazing Grace Academy in affiliation with Dayspring Christian University
DNA Poort: Pinkster Park en Gemeenskap
Hier dien ons ons onmiddellike omgewing. Dis 'n belangrijke deel van omgee.
DNA Poort: Groei
Ons Groeipoort leier is Past. Isolde de Jager. Sy is betrokken by die Groei Kenteken van Arukah Bible Academy.

'n gemeente groei in getal deur Nuwe intrekkers en bekeerlinge. Erkende Elemente van Geestelike Groei is egter:
1 BYBELSTUDIE (Vertikale - verhouding met God)
2 GEBED (Vertikale - verhouding met God)
3 FELLOWSHIP Meng met ander Christene (Horisontale verhoudinge)
4 GETUIG (Horisontale verhoudinge)
5 KERKBYWONING (Vertikal en horisontal)

"Your presence is required"

God is baie lief vir jou met 'n ewigdurende liefde.
Hande en Voete Poort: Versorging

Want Liefde Gee Om

Leier is Clyde Durant. Vir navrae, kontak gerus ons kerkkantoor by die epos of nommer onder op die bladsy of deur een van die sosiale media hierbo aangedui.

Versorging is een van ons poorte wat ons bedienings hande en voete vorm. Versorging is ons lepels vol liefde mense, met baie geleenthede en projekte om te help waar nodig.

Die ander verwante poorte is Uitreik en Fokus
Uitreik: is ons sending en evangelisasie sodat die evangelie verkondig kan word aan elke moontlike persoon wat ons kan bereik.

You can also read more about our joint venture halfway-house for persons recovering after drug addiction and rehabilitation.

We care.

Die gemeente vat handle saam met Helderberg Omgee. Op hierdie wise deel ons in ons social aanspreeklikheid. Die organiesasie is omtrent tien jaar oud en het oor die care 'n verskil gemaak in die gemeenskap.

Helderberg Omgee is ook op Facebook.

Helderberg Omgee was gusting in 2010…lees meer

Hande en Voete Poort: Uitreik
Sien die Evangelisasie- en Sendingpoort hieronder
Hande en Voete Poort: Sending & Evangelisasie
“Toe het ek die Here hoor vra: “Wie sal Ek stuur? Wie sal ons boodskapper wees?” “Ek sal gaan,” het ek gesê, “U kan my stuur!””
Jesaja 6:8 DB

Die uitreik poorte is die Evangeliesasie en die Sending vleuels van die gemeente.

"Maar julle sal krag ontvang wanneer die Heilige Gees oor julle kom, en julle sal my getuies wees in Jerusalem sowel as in die hele Judea en in Samaria en tot in die uithoeke van die wêreld." (Handelinge 1:8, 1983 vertaling)

Vir navrae, kontak gerus ons kerkkantoor by die epos of nommer onder op die bladsy of deur een van die sosiale media aangedui.

Die Evangeliesasie poort gaan dikwels uit in die Helderberg en omliggende gebied. Hierdie poort doen straatwerk deur behoewendes op straat te bedien en hospitaalbesoeke ens. Die poort staan onder leiding van Partick Nell. Sy telefoonnommer is 0728993218.

Die Sending staan onder leiding van Evangelis Johan Lourens. Sy telefoonnommer is 0786746125.

Hande en voetepoort: Fokus
Fokus: is waar ons bymekaarkom op informele en gesellige areas soos bv. Selgroepe, kampe, midweek byeenkomste, ens. Dis belangegroepe van mense wat saam dinge doen en so die gemeenskap en samesyn opbou.

Belangepoort is een van die Fokuspoorte.
Kom Kuier Saam Met Ons en geniet die natuur en nog meer.

Die natuurskoon is asemrowend. U moet deel van hierdie groep word. Dis pragtige geselskap en lekker sterk koffie olv Werner en Louise wat weet hoe om iemand tuis te laat voel!

Kampe: verskeie

Navrae by die kerkkantoor:

Of by Werner: 0834074719

English service at 08:30
Kids separate service 08:30

Afrikaanse diens 10:00
Kinderkerk diens 10:00


“Gryp die week” Gebed 07:00
Leiers Impak 08:00


Intersessors byeenkoms 17:00
Pinkster Park selgroepe 19:00
Gordonsbaai selgroepe 19:00

πŸ™πŸ»Woensdagoggende πŸ™πŸ»

Biduur in die Ketel 10:00


Intersessors byeenkoms 17:00
Musiekbediening oefening 18:00
Somerset-Wes selgroepe 19:00


Jeug “STAINED” 19:00
Glimlag Breed!
God is baie lief vir jou!
Identity Gate: Men

Statistics have shown that 80% of families will join a congregation where the father is involved. That is why we call our men to become part of this gate.

At the moment we are building the men portal and you are invited to visit us and to make suggestions for men activities.

Angling, camping, Mighty Men etc….what do you suggest?

AFM Helderberg is an assembly which strives for more of the Holy Spirit. Our people love one another and enjoy visiting together. Every ministry in our assembly links to what we call portals. These portals each exist to glorify God through Jesus and to help people grow in their own ministry.

Identity Gate: Woman

We are currently also developing the Women Portal. You are invited to visit us and make suggestions about how we, you and the assembly can better serve in this area of ministry.

Please make friends with fellow women in the assembly.

Other Identity Gates:

The Women Gate is part of the Identity Gates. Other gates that resort under the identity gates are Men, Seniors, Youth and the Children ministry.

Identity Gate: Seniors (Golden Swallows)
Seniors: We love pensioners and keep them busy enough so that they can keep out of trouble😜

We call them the Golden Swallows, but they are one of the central parts of the AFM Helderberg.

Our Seniors Portal part of the Identity gates. Other such portals are the Women, Men, Youth and Children Ministries.

The Seniors enjoy their activities. The regularly get together and are busy in the Kettle (our tea & coffee room at the back of the Main Auditorium. This is where our assembly eats, drinks and visits.
Identity Gate: Youth

Under the leadership of Patrick.

Our youth is served and taught under various slogans etc. So they functioned for a substantial period under "JAM" (Jesus And Me). Currently the theme is "Stained".

Young people always have a need for sosial gatherings.Thus here is an opportunity for different schools to meet on a new platform and learn to know each other better.

We are also blessed to have Past Gregory with us. He is die Chairman of the AFM of SA, Western Cape Youth Department.

Identity Gate: Children

Here we find our biggest conversion experience where children are encouraged via interactive opportunities to have a real experience with Jesus. We know that Children have a special place in the assembly and we encourage opportunities where parents can worship with their children.

Gate leader: Liesel

We occasionally have family services. The themes of previous family services include , for example, We are the light of the world and the salt of the earth.

Team: Liesel, Werner, Louise, Debbi, Renske, Johanita, Maritza, Agnesia, Charlene, Theresa, Ettienne en Karen

DNA Gate: Prayer
The saying "Prayer changes matters" has on occasion been changed to read "Prayer changes the parson who is praying". On occasion the importance of prayer has also been highlighted with the words: "Prayer changes everything!"

It is important and an aspect of spiritual growth that children of God should pray. Christians on their knees see further than others who are upright but far from God. Move nearer to God in Prayer and he will move nearer to you. If you would like to be one of the assembly prayer warriors, the gate of prayer is where you should get involved.

Susan Swanepoel is the leader. She can be contacted at 0824526795.

The Prayer Gate is one of the gates that give us the right to call ourselves a church or describes our DNA .Prayer is talking with God.

DNA Gate: Word
God's Word is true, our light and lamp, the bread of life and it prevents our ship from running ashore.

A church assembly usually grows in number as the Holy Spirit draws people closer. People move to town and choose to worship there or new converts join. Spiritual growth usually takes place by:

1 BIBLE STUDY (Vertical - relationship with God)
2 PRAYER (Vertical - relationship with God)
3 FELLOWSHIP with other Christians (Horizontal - relationship with other persons)
4 WITNESSING or telling others about God's grace and love (Horizontal - relationship with other persons)
5 CHURCH ATTENDANCE (Vertical and en horizontal)

The Word of God is applied in our lives and we study it in our every day lives, during services and other gatherings.
Arukah Bible Academy

School Of Biblical Councelling

Arukah is a Hebrew word meaning "restoring to soundness; wholeness; health made up, perfected"
Arukah Bible Academy studies the Bible regularly at the AFM Helderberg assembly. It is located on Pentecostal Park (Pinkster Park) near Sir Lowry's Pass village.
Arukah is deel van ons Bybelstudiepoort en bedien die gene in die Helderberg omgewing wat graag hulle self in God se woord wil verdiep. Bybelstudie is deel van geestelike groei.
Entrants for the new course is now awaited.
Subjects covered in the four year course in either Counceling or Theology are:

Year One-Certificate

Intro to Christian Living
Shattering Shame
Tabernacle Prayer
Intro to Christian Counceling.

Year Two-towards dip.

Old Testament Survey
New Testament Survey
Spiritual Warfare
Learning to Hear God's Voice.

Year Three-Diploma

Enemies of the heart
Biblical Counceling
Audio and Book
Life Counceling
Life Management
Ministering Deliverance
Building a House of Prayer

Year four-Degree

Life Management 2 and 3
Audio and Book
Advanced Counceling
Deliverance Counceling
Family Councelling
Deliverance Ministry
Interpreting the Scriptures

CLASS ATTENDANCE: Every student who enrolls for this course is in commitment to the training program of preparation to become a disciple to train others to become disciples.

A minimum of 90% is expected from students/

Lecturers will commence promptly at the scheduled times by which students must be seated and ready for each lesson.

All fees are to be paid by 30 October 2018
All tests and given assignments must be completed and passed
90% attendance of lectures
Pass rates:
50% to pass
65% to pass with honour
80% to pass with distinction

This ceremony will take place early in February 2019
The final date will still be determined.

ARUKAH BIBLE ACADEMY Pinkster Park, Mondeor Road, Somerset West Contact: Past Isolde de Jager 0824315062 Past Kobus Massyn 0833535679

TRAINING LEADERS Our aim is to train every believer to be equipped to fulfil the purpose he/she was created for by our Heavenly Father to do on earth.

THE GREAT COMMISSION to all believers:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…”(MATT 28:19)
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”(2 Tim.2:15)

Arukah Bible Academy provides training from Certificate to University level
First year - Certificate
Second & third years – Diploma
Fourth year – Bmin. Counselling or BMin. Theology

REGISTRATION for next year

CERTIFICATE: Registration Fee of R1500.00 (payable at registration or as per arrangement; plus 9 Monthly payments of R300.00 each; to be paid not later than the 15th of each month, from 1 February to October

DIPLOMA: (Per Year for 2 Years) Registration Fee of R1800.00 (payable at registration or as per arrangement; plus 9 Monthly payments of R300.00 each; to be paid not later that the 15th of each month, from 1 February to 1 October. The above includes study material, certificates or diplomas plus costs of Graduation Ceremony.

Arukah Bible Academy is in affiliation with Amazing Grace Academy in affiliation with Dayspring Christian University.

DNA Gate: Pentecostal Park and Community
Here we serve our immediate community. It is an important part of caring.
DNA Gate: Growth

Past. Isolde de Jager leads our Gate of Growth. She is involved with the signs of growth of Arukah Bible Academy.

An assembly grows in number through new people that move to the area of the assembly or people who give their lives to God and join the assembly. The following actions are known to help one grow spiritually:
1 BIBLE STUDY (Vertical - relationship with God)
2 PRAYER ((Vertical - relationship with God)
3 FELLOWSHIP with other Christians (Horisontal relationships)
4 WITNESSING or telling others about what God has done for you (Horisontal relationships)
5 ATTENDING CHURCH (Vertical and horisontal)

"Your presence is required"

God loves you very much and with an everlasting love.

Hands and Feet Gate: Care

Because love makes the difference.

The Care leader is Clyde Durant. You can contact our church office with enquiries or to contribute in this area.

The Care gate is one of our portals that form the hands and feet of our ministry. Care forms our spoons of love for people and the gate has many opportunities and projects to help where necessary.

The other related gates are Outreach and Focus. See the dropdown discussions under Outreach or Focus on this page.

You can also read more about our joint venture halfway-house for persons recovering after drug addiction and rehabilitation.

We care.

The assembly joins hands with Helderberg Omgee. In this way, we share in our social responsibility. The organisation is about ten years old and has over the years made a difference in our community.

Helderberg Omgee is also on Facebook.

Helderberg Omgee was established in 2010 by a concerned group of community members representing a broad spectrum of society. Being a community driven establishment, we are also a registered Non-Profit Organization. We are alarmed at the social and moral decay in the Helderberg basin and feel ourselves compelled to utilize our expertise and extensive professional networks to make a difference in peoples’ lives. Read more…

Hands and Feet Gate: Outreach
See the Hands and Feet Gate: Mission & Evangelism below
Hands and Feet Gate: Mission & Evangelism
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!””
Isaiah 6:8 NIV

The Outreach gates are the Evangelism and Mission wings of the assembly.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.””
Acts 1:8 NIV

Please contact our church assembly office by email or telephone or on social media indicated for any enquiries.

The Evangelism gate often goes our in the Helderberg and surrounding area. This gate does streetwork by serving the needy on street and doing hospital visits etc. The gate is lead by Patrick Nell. His cellular phone number is 0728993218.

The Mission gate is lead by Evangelist Johan Lourens. His telephone number is 0786746125 .

Hands and Feet Gate: Focus
Focus: is where we get together informant in fellowship mode at, for example, Cell groups, camps, midweek gatherings etc. These are interest groups where people do things together and in this way serve the community and builds the fellowship of Christians.

The Interest gate is one of the Focus gates.
Come visit us and enjoy nature and much more.

The Beaty out in nature is stunning. You will enjoy becoming part of thuis group. There is enjoyable conversation, and good strong coffee. The gate is lead by Werner and Louise. They really know how to make a person feel at home!

Camps: various

Enquire by the church office:

Or by Werner: 0834074719
Service times
πŸ’’Sonday MorningsπŸ’’

English service at 08:30
Kids separate service 08:30

Afrikaanse diens 10:00
Kinderkerk diens 10:00

πŸ™ŒπŸΌMonday MorningsπŸ™ŒπŸΌ

“Seize the week” Gebed 07:00
Leaders Impact 08:00


Intercessors gathering 17:00
Pentecoatal Park cell group 19:00
Gordons Bay cell group 19:00

πŸ™πŸ»Wednesday Mornings πŸ™πŸ»

Prayer meeting in the Kettle 10:00


Intercessors gathering 17:00
Music Ministry practice 18:00
Somerset West cell group 19:00


Jeug “STAINED” 19:00
Smile :-)
God loves you!

Om strukture daar te stel waarin Om deur gereelde opleiding leiers in alle vertakkinge van die gemeente op te wek en in bediening te stel.


Om deur gereelde opleiding leiers in alle vertakkinge van die gemeente op te wek en in bediening te stel.


Om gelowiges te help om hul Godgegewe gawes in die kerk te ontdek en uit te leef.


Om deur middel van vriendskap-evangelisasie ongelowiges by die liggaam te voeg, deur opleiding toe te rus en op die pad na geestelike groei te plaas.

AGS van SA Visie

Om uitvoering te gee aan die visie van die AGS van Suid-Afrika soos dit ons gemeente raak.


Om armes te versorg en te help om self-onderhoudend te word.


Om gereelde gebedsgeleenthede te skep en sodoende 'n sterk gebeds mag op te wek.

Interkerklike Samewerking

Om deur interkerklike samewerking ons eenheid in die liggaam van Christus te verseker en te bevorder.

Internasionale Uitreiking

Om betrokke te bly by wêreldwye evangelisasie deur middel van finansiële ondersteuning, gebed en opwekking van sendelinge.


Om te verseker dat die gemeente 'n impak in die gemeenskap sal hê met betrekking tot betrokkenheid by verskeie versorgings organisasies, hospitale, inrigtings, ens.


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To have structures in place to call up leaders in all branches of the congregation and to create effective ministries by regular training.


To prepare leaders in all branches of the congregation by regular training and to create ministries.


To assist believers to discover their God given gifts and to live them out to the fullest extent


To add members to the body of Christ by friendly-evangelism and by equipping them and guiding them on the path to spiritual growth.

AGS van SA Vision

To execute the vision of the AFM of South Africa as it applies to our assembly.


To care for the poor and to help them to become self-supporting.


To crate regular opportunities for prayer and thus creating a strong and powerful body of believers who pray and get results for the Kingdom of God.

Interdenominational Co-operation

To promote and ensure unity in the body of Christ by interdenominational co-operation.

International Outreach

To remain actively involved by world wide evangelism via financial support, prayer and calling and equipping missionaries.


To ensure that the assembly has an impact in the community with regards to involvement with various care organisations , hospitals, institutions etc.

The App can be downloaded & used FREE OF CHARGE (data excluded) by clicking here or on the heading above of the cellphone.It contains general info about our congregation, some bible studies, contact links for our portals or gateways, our vision and current mission, service details, links to our Youtube productions and more.
You are welcome to donate to the assembly via snapscan but there is no charge.

Huweliksverryking | Marital Enrichment

Datum sal aangekondig word | Date to be announced
Pastoor Kobus & Debbi Massyn
nooi u uit om deel te neem aan die huweliks "Kom ons Kook saam" naweek.

invites you to participate in the marriage "Come lets Cook together" weekend.

Koste | Cost: Sal bekend gemaak word. | Will be communicated

English Sermon 08:30 Joint Praise & Worship 09:00 Afrikaanse Boodskap daarna

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Sentraal Gelee

Ons hoof aanbidding geboue lê tussen die pragtige Bolandse berge en die see in die omgewing van Somerset-Wes, Strand, Rusthof, Lwandle, Nomzamo en Gordonsbaai stadsgebiede. Dit is dit ideaal geleë om die hele Helderberg kom te bedien.

Pragtige Omgewing

Die ruim ouditorium met aangrensende saal word omring deur hoë bloekombome en stilte wat herinner aan 'n plaas. Vroeg oggend is die klanke van die voëls opvallend

Sigbaar van die N2

Die AGS Helderberg Gemeente geboue is langs die N2 op die ruim Pinkster Park gronde met die bekende Mondeor Eco Skool en Monkeytown as bure.

Lieflike Atmosfeer

Die atmosfeer tydens dienste kan beskryf word as vriendelik, verwelkomend en warm teenoor alle mense. Daar word gepoog om God met eerbied en in waarheid te aanbid en om Sy wil en teenwoordigheid te soek.

Centrally located

Our main place of worship lies between the beautiful Boland mountains and the ocean in the Somerset West, Strand, Rusthof, Lwandle, Nomzamo and Gordon's Bay urban areas. It is ideally situated to enable us to serve the whole Helderberg Community.

Beatifull Surroundings

The large auditorium and connected hall is surrounded by high trees and silence that reminds one of farm life. Early in the morning, the impressive sounds of birds can be heard.

Visible from the N2

The AFM Helderberg Assembly buildings are next to the N2 on the spacious Pentecostal Park ("Pinkster Park") grounds with the Mondeor Eco School and Monkey Town as neighbours.

Lovely Atmosphere

The atmosphere during services can be described as friendly, welcoming and warm towards all people. We strive to serve God with respect, to worship Him in truth and to seek His presence.

Lig | Light

Psalm 119:105

Liefde | Love

1 Korinthiers 13:1-13
1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Lewe | Life

Johannes 14:6
John 14:6
LIG: U (God se) woord is 'n lamp vir my voet en 'n lig vir my pad. LIGHT: Thy (God's) word is a lamp unto my feet, And light unto my path
Familie loop deur poorte na die kruis op Helderberg Family walking through gates and to cross on Helderberg
LIEFDE: En nou: geloof, hoop en liefde bly, hierdie drie. En die grootste hiervan is die liefde! LOVE: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love!
Familie loop deur poorte na die kruis op Helderberg Family walking through gates and to cross on Helderberg
LEWE: Ek (Jesus) is die weg en die waarheid en die lewe. Niemand kom na die Vader behalwe deur my nie. LIFE: I (Jesus) am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


Familie loop deur poorte na die kruis op Helderberg Family walking through gates and to cross on Helderberg

Lekker om te kuier, beter om te bly!
Lovely to visit, better to stay!


Dienaars in Aanbidding | Servants in Worship

Adres | Address:
Hoek van/Corner of
Mondeor/ Broadlands & N2,
Sir Lowry's Pas/s
Posbus/PO Box 71, Strand, 7129

Kontak ons | Contacts us:
TEL: +27218581210
Faks: +27218581210
We would love to hear from you

Kopiereg 2019 | Copyright 2019
Apostoliese Geloof Sending van Suid-Afrika, Helderberg Gemeente | Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa, Helderberg Assembly
Alle Regte Voorbehou. | All Rights Reserved.


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